TinTin++ FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions


General FAQ

  1. Actions do not always trigger or lines are cut off in the middle.

    This is caused by packet fragmentation. You can solve this by setting #config {packet patch} to a value somewhere between 0.5 and 1.0 seconds. If your mud doesn't support GA (Go Ahead) or EOR (End of Record) to tag prompts, prompts will be displayed after the given delay. You can use the #prompt command to have TinTin++ recognize prompts. If your mud allows adding a line break after the prompt this is an option as well.

  2. How to create an input bar?

    Type: #split to enable the split screen input mode. Use #help split for more information.

  3. I want to make an alias that sets actions using %0

    Since both aliases and actions use % arguments you need to escape the arguments for the action using %%0 for %0, %%1 for %1, etc. For example: #alias {test} {#action {%%1 has arrived} {smile %%1}}

  4. How to make color triggers?

    Start an action with a tilde ~ and it will not strip colors. You can use #config {convert meta} {on} to have the mud client display colors as escape sequences, so you know what to fill in.

  5. Numpad doesn't work

    The problem is caused by either the terminal you are using, your operating system, or a combination of both. Try a different terminal or play around with your terminal configuration. See also the keypad manual entry.

  6. I want to change the command character from # to /

    This can be done with #config {tintin char} {/} or having a / as the first character in your script file. Doing this is not adviced.

  7. How to enable chinese characters?

    You can do this by using #config charset BIG-5 or #config charset GBK-1. If you're in a UTF-8 environment you can use #config charset BIG5TOUTF8 and #config charset GBK1TOUTF8.

  8. I use OS X and ran tt++ a few times, and now every time I open a terminal window it runs tt++ automatically.

    You likely used 'use settings as default' while running the tt++ binary. There are a few ways out of this, but the easiest is locating your terminal preference (home : library : com.apple.Terminal.plist) and deleting it. You'll have to redo anything custom you set up (screen size, colors, etc.), but it will get the terminal back to the default of loading into your home directory.

  9. How to exit?

    Press ctrl-d on an empty line or use the #end command.

WinTin++ FAQ

  1. I am getting a DLL error.

    This is generally because you have Cygwin installed. Try to update Cygwin, if that doesn't help you're better off running the mud client in Cygwin instead by copying tt++.exe to the /bin directory in Cygwin.

  2. The #system and #suspend commands do not work.

    That's because there is no shell to interact with, if you want full functionality you need to install Cygwin or WSL.

  3. TinTin++ script files look weird in notepad.

    This is because notepad only follows the windows text format. Try using wordpad instead or install notepad++.

  4. How to automatically read in a file when starting this beast?

    Good question. By default WinTin++ tries to read main.tin. Use #write main.tin to save your current configuration and it should get loaded automatically. There's a shortcut to the installation directory in the WinTin++ start menu folder. The main.tin file should go in the bin/ directory where the tt++ executable resides.

  5. Where does TinTin++ save/read the files?

    TinTin++ does so in the bin directory of the install directory. The installer makes a shortcut in the start menu which will take you there.

  6. How does copy/paste work?

    Text is automatically copied when text is selected. You can paste with the right mouse button, or pressing shift-insert. This is customary on Linux systems. Do not press ctrl-c, since that will clear the input line.

  7. How do I change the default settings of the terminal?

    Right click the title bar and select Options.

  8. How does WinTin++ work?

    WinTin++ exists of 3 components. The first component is the Cygwin DLL which allows precompiled C code written for linux systems to work on Windows. The second component is the compiled TinTin++ source code. The third component is a modified version of PuTTY known as mintty that functions as a Cygwin compatible VT100 terminal. The source code of mintty is available at: https://github.com/mintty/mintty

  9. Where's my beloved input bar?

    Type: #split, you may also want to check out #help prompt.

Text To Speech

  1. Can TinTin++ be used with a speech synthesizer?

    As a console mud client TinTin++ should work with text to speech programs that are capable of reading a console terminal. It's suggested to use #split 0 0 to separate input from output. Also consider using #config command_echo off, and #config screen_reader on.

    On Mac OS X you can use VoiceOver. Unfortunately there are some issues with VoiceOver and Terminal (the default OS X console) on Mac OS X 10.5, but these problems have been fixed for Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6). One thing you might want to do is setting: #gag {^$} to have TinTin++ remove empty lines so VoiceOver does not announce them.

    On Windows you can install WinTin++, which however does not use the default Windows console which speech synthesizers are most likely to work with. To run WinTin++ in the Windows console select WinTin++ (Windows Console) from the start menu.