Supported Protocols |
• Character Mode | Directly transmit the mud client's input, required for BBSes, *NIX servers, Roguelike MUDs, and interaction with other console software. |
• GMCP | Generic Mud Communication Protocol. |
• Go Ahead | Allows the server to indicate the end of output for better mud client side prompt handling. |
• IPv6 | Allows 128-bit IP addresses. |
• MCCP | Mud Client Compression Protocol version 2 and 3. |
• MSDP | Mud Server Data Protocol. |
• MSLP | Mud Server Link Protocol. Allows the creation of clickable links client side as well. |
• MSSP | Mud Server Status Protocol. |
• MTTS | Mud Terminal Type Standard. |
• MMCP | Mud Master Chat Protocol for instant messaging and file transfers over private P2P connections. |
• NAWS | Sends the mud client's window size to the server. |
• Regular Expressions | Use powerful Perl Compatible Regular Expressions in triggers and commands. |
• SSL | Secure Socket Layer for encrypted connections. |
• TELNET | Connect to *NIX servers and BBSes using TELOPT negotiations. |
• VT100 | Displays both client and server side text interfaces. |
• xterm Mouse Tracking | Allows complex mouse interactions through the event system. |
• xterm 256 colors | Highlight in 256 colors instead of the traditional 16 colors. |
• xterm true colors | Highlight in 16,777,216 colors instead of the traditional 16 colors. |
Program Features |
• Action | Triggers a script when a matching line of text is found. |
• Alias | Allows command shortcuts bundling multiple commands together. |
• Auto Mapper | Creates an interactive map to help visualize and navigate the game world. |
• Buttons | Create clickable buttons. |
• Class | Labels a set of triggers to belong to a given class which allows removing or saving them independently. |
• Control Flow | Uses the if, else, elseif, switch, while, loop, foreach, continue, break, and return statements, and braces for nesting, allowing C-like programming. |
• Debug | Enables the debugging mode giving useful information for finding bugs in your scripts. |
• Delay | Executes a script after a set amount of seconds has passed, accurate within 0.01 seconds. |
• Draw | Formats text using various VT100 and unicode options. |
• Event | Executes a script when one of a large variety of pre-defined events occurs. |
• Format | Formats text using a printf like syntax. |
• Function | Executes a script and substitutes the function call with the return value. |
• Gag | Prevents lines of text from being displayed. |
• Grep | Searches and displays matching lines in the scrollback buffer. |
• Highlight | Changes the color of incoming text. |
• Input history | Stores the last commands you typed. Press UP to scroll through the list, or ctrl-r to search. |
• Input editing | Input editing and handling that is almost identical to the Linux shell. Custom key bindings can be defined. |
• Lists | Stores information as a list instead of as an associative array. |
• Log | Logs incoming data as HTML, VT100, or plain text. |
• Macro | Assigns commands to any possible key combination. |
• Math | Uses 64 bit floating point arithmatic and logical expressions. |
• Port | Run a scriptable telnet port to receive incoming connections. |
• Prompt | Captures lines and places them on the split line for the creation of status bars. |
• Session | Opens one or multiple sessions to connect to a server. |
• Read | Reads in a script file. Script code can be indented and spaced out over several lines. |
• Run | Runs a given application, such as ssh, or sftp, with access to all of TinTin++'s scripting capabilities. |
• Scan | Reads in an ANSI or plain text log file so you can view it in the scrollback buffer. |
• Script | Runs the given script written in bash, lua, perl, php, python, ruby, etc, storing the output as a variable or processing it as a command. |
• Scrollback | Stores up to one million lines of text which can be viewed using page-up/down. |
• Splitscreen | Splits the screen in an input, output, and status area. |
• Substitute | Matches text or patterns and replaces them with a substitute text. |
• Tab Completion | Recalls hard to spell words by typing the first couple of letters and pressing tab till the right match shows up. By default the scrollback buffer is used for tabbing. |
• Variables | Fast and flexible variable system using nestable associative arrays allowing both tables and arrays. |
• Write | Write out scripts that are automatically indented, making scripts easy to read and debug. |