Installing the TinTin++ Mud client on Linux |
Check the install section for installation instructions for various Linux distributions. |
Creating a startup script |
It's annoying having to type in the session and login information every time you startup TinTin++, fortunately this can be automated without needing to understand anything about tintin scripting. |
When starting up tt++ you can give as an argument a filename, this feature will be used in the following walkthrough example: |
Create and edit the file 'run' with your favorite text editor and add the following line:
tt++ run.tin
Save your changes and type the following in the command shell:
chmod 700 run
The chmod 700 makes the file executable, type the following in the command shell:
This should start up tt++ with a message that it could not open run.tin, don't worry.
Now you should check out the #config command. For example, if you want speedwalk enabled by
default you would want to type: #config speedwalk on, if you type #config without an
argument you will get a list of things you can configure. Set the configurations to your
liking and type: #write run.tin, this will write the modified configuration settings to run.tin
Leave TinTin++ by pressing ctrl-d or typing #end and edit run.tin
Scroll to the bottom and enter the following lines:
#alias {connect} {#ses bla mymud.com 1234;MyName;MyPassword}
#macro {\e[11~} {connect}
#macro {\eOP} {connect}
This would make you connect to that address (which is a made up address) by pressing F1. \e[11~ and \eOP are the most common default bindings for the F1 key. The connect alias sets the session name to 'bla' and also passses along the name and password of your character, assuming that's what your mud asks for first.
Save the file and type ./run and press F1, this will trigger the macro and you will connect and login to your mud. If you only play 1 mud with only 1 character you can skip the macro and simply add #ses bla mymud.com 1234;MyName;MyPassword so you'll connect and login straight away.
Input bar |
A useful thing to have is an input bar. You can create one on TinTin++ by using: #split. See #help split for more information. This will prevent the prompt from overwriting what you are typing. |