TinTin++ Mud Client Manual

Command: #buffer {option} {argument}

         The buffer command has various options to manipulate your scrollback

         The size of the scrollback buffer can be configured using #config
         buffer_size <size>. The size must be either 100, 1000, 10000, 100000
         or 1000000 lines.

         While scrolling through the scrollback buffer incoming text is not
         displayed, this can be disabled using #config scroll_lock off. The
         scroll lock is automatically disabled when manual input is received,
         subsequently #buffer up and down only work properly when used in a
         macro or mouse event.

         #buffer {clear} {[lower bound]} {[upper bound]}

         Without an argument this will clear the entire scrollback buffer.
         Otherwise it will clear the given range.

         Positive numbers are measured from the start of the scrollback buffer,
         negative numbers from the end.

         #buffer {down} [lines]

         Moves your scrollback buffer down one page and displays the page. If
         a line number is provided it will scroll down the given number of

         #buffer {end}

         Moves you to the end of your scrollback buffer and displays the page.
         Disables scroll lock mode. Most useful when used in a #macro.

         #buffer {find} {[number]} {<string>} {[variable]}

         Moves the buffer to the given string which can contain a regular
         expression. Optionally you can provide the number of matches to skip,
         allowing you to jump further back in the buffer.

         A positive number searches from the start of the buffer, a negative
         number from the end. If you provide a variable the location will be
         stored and no jump takes place.

         #buffer {get} {<variable>} {<lower bound>} {[upper bound]}

         Allows you to store one or several lines from your scrollback buffer
         (including color codes) into a variable. The lower and upper bound
         must be between 1 and the size of the buffer. If the upper bound is
         omitted the given line is stored as a standard variable. If an upper
         bound is given the lines between the two bounds are stored as a list.

         Positive numbers are measured from the start of the scrollback buffer,
         negative numbers from the end.

         #buffer {home}

         Moves you to the top of your scrollback buffer and displays the page.
         Enables scroll lock mode. Most useful when used in a #macro.

         #buffer {info} {[save]} {[variable]}

         Display buffer info, optionally save the data to a variable.

         #buffer {jump} {<location>}

         Moves the buffer to the given location. A positive number jumps from
         the start of the buffer, a negative number from the end.

         #buffer {lock} {on|off}

         Toggles the lock on the scrollback buffer. When locked, newly incoming
         text won't be displayed, any command will disable the lock, though
         several buffer commands will re-enable the lock. When unlocking it'll
         move you to the end of your scrollback buffer and display the page.

         #buffer {refresh}

         Marks the buffer as needing to be refreshed, only useful while in
         vertical split mode.

         #buffer {up} [lines]

         Moves your scrollback buffer up one page and displays the page.
         Enables scroll lock mode. Most useful when used in a #macro. You
         can use #buffer {up} {1} to move the scrollback buffer up 1 line.

         #buffer {write} {<filename>}

         Writes the scrollback buffer to the given file.

Example: #macro {\e[F} {#buffer end}

Related: echo, grep, macro, showme and screen.