TinTin++ Mud Client Manual

Command: #chat {option} {argument}

         The #chat command is used to create peer to peer connections to other
         clients, typically for the purpose of chatting and sending files.
         This is a decentralized chat system, meaning you have to exchange ip
         addresses and port numbers with other users in order to connect to

         #chat {init} {port}
           #chat initialize launches your chat server. The port number is
           optional, and by default 4050 is used as your port. After using
           this command other people can connect to your chat server using
           your ip address and port number, and in turn you can connect to
           other people.
         #chat {name} {name}
           By default your name is set to TinTin, but most servers will
           reject you if there is already someone with the name TinTin
           connected, so one of the first things you'd want to do is
           change your chat name. Your name can include color codes. Some
           names aren't accepted by tt++ chat servers, like the name 'all'
           and names longer than 20 characters.
         #chat {message} {buddy|all} {text}
           This is the main command used for communication. If you use
           #chat message all, the message is marked as public and send to
           everyone you are connected to.
         #chat {accept} {buddy} {boost}
           Accept a file transfer from a buddy. The boost is optional and
           must be a value between 1 and 1000.
         #chat {call}       {address} {port}
           #chat call is used to connect to another chat server. If you
           omit the port argument the default port (4050) is used.
         #chat {cancel}     {buddy}            Cancel a file transfer
         #chat {color}      {color names}      Set the default color
         #chat {decline}    {buddy}            Decline a file transfer
         #chat {dnd}                           Decline new connections
         #chat {download}   {directory}        Set your download directory
         #chat {emote}      {buddy|all} {text} Send an emote message
         #chat {forward}    {buddy}            Forward all chat messages
         #chat {forwardall} {buddy}            Forward all session output
         #chat {filestat}   {buddy}            Show file transfer data
         #chat {group}      {buddy} {name}     Assign a chat group
         #chat {ignore}     {buddy}            Ignores someone
         #chat {info}                          Displays your info
         #chat {ip}         {address}          Changes your IP address
         #chat {paste}      {buddy|all} {text} Pastes a block of text
         #chat {peek}       {buddy}            Show one's public connections
         #chat {ping}       {buddy}            Display response time
         #chat {private}    {buddy|all}        Make a connection private
         #chat {public}     {buddy|all}        Make a connection public
         #chat {reply}      {text}             Reply to last private message
         #chat {request}    {buddy}            Request one's public connections
         #chat {send}       {buddy|all} {text} Sends a raw data string
         #chat {sendfile}   {buddy} {filename} Start a file transfer
         #chat {serve}      {buddy}            Forward all public chat messages
         #chat {uninitialize}                  Uninitialize the chat port.
         #chat {who}
           #chat who shows all people you are connected to. The first
           column shows a reference number for the connection, which can be
           used instead of the connection's name when sending someone a message
           The second column shows the connection's name. The third column
           shows flags set for the connection, (P)rivate, (I)gnore, (S)erve,
           (F)orward to user, and (f)orward from user. The next columns show
           ip, port, and client name.
         #chat {zap}        {buddy}            Close a connection

Related: port