Command: #math {variable} {expression}
Performs math operations and stores the result in a variable. The math
follows a C-like precedence, as follows, with the top of the list
having the highest priority.
Operators Priority Function
! 0 logical not
~ 0 bitwise not
d 1 integer random dice
* 2 integer multiply
** 2 integer power
/ 2 integer divide
// 2 integer sqrt // 2 or cbrt // 3
% 2 integer modulo
+ 3 integer addition
- 3 integer subtraction
<< 4 bitwise shift
>> 4 bitwise shift
.. 4 integer range
> 5 logical greater than
>= 5 logical greater than or equal
< 5 logical less than
<= 5 logical less than or equal
== 6 logical equal (can use regex)
=== 6 logical equal (never regex)
!= 6 logical not equal (can use regex)
!== 6 logical not equal (never regex)
& 7 bitwise and
^ 8 bitwise xor
| 9 bitwise or
&& 10 logical and
^^ 11 logical xor
|| 12 logical or
? 13 logical ternary if (unfinished code)
: 14 logical ternary else
True is any non-zero number, and False is zero. Parentheses () have
highest precedence, so inside the () is always evaluated first.
Strings must be enclosed in " " or { } and in the case of an == or
!= operation a regex is performed with the regular expression in the
right-hand string. In the case of a <= or >= operation the alphabetic
order is compared.
The #if and #switch commands use #math. Several commands accepting
numeric input allow math operations as well, such as #delay.
Floating point precision is added by using the decimal . operator or
using #format with the %f flag character.
Example: #math {heals} {$mana / 40}
Assuming there is a variable $mana, divides its value by 40 and stores
the result in $heals.
Example: #action {^You receive %0 experience} {updatexp %0}
#alias updatexp {#math {xpneed} {$xpneed - %0}
Let's say you have a variable which stores xp needed for your next
level. The above will modify that variable after every kill, showing
the amount still needed.
Example: #action {%0 tells %1}
{#if {{%0} == {Bubba} && $afk} {reply I'm away, my friend.}}
When you are away from keyboard, it will only reply to your friend.
Related: cat, format, function, local, mathematics, replace, script and variable.