Command: #split {top bar} {bottom bar} {left bar} {right bar} {input bar}
This option requires for your terminal to support VT100 emulation.
#split allows the creation of a top status bar, a left and right status
bar, a scrolling region, a bottom status bar, and an input line.
│ top bar │
│ left │ scrolling │ right│
│ bar │ region │ bar │
│ bottom bar │
│ input bar │
By default the bottom status bar is filled with dashes --- and
subsequently it is also known as the split line. The scrolling
region is also known as the main screen and this is where all
incoming text is displayed by default.
If you use #split without an argument it will set the height of the
top status bar to 0 lines and the bottom status bar to 1 line.
If you use #split with one argument it will set the height of the top
status bar to the given number of lines and the bottom status bar will
be set to 1 line.
If you use two arguments the first argument is the height of the top
status bar and the second argument the height of the bottom status bar.
The third and fourth argument are optional and default to 0.
The fifth argument is optional and sets the size of the input bar, it
defaults to 1.
It is possible to use negative arguments in which case the bar width
defines the minimum width of the scrolling region.
Example: #split 0 0
This will create a split screen with just a scrolling region and an
input line. Great for the minimalist.
Example: #split 1 1 0 -80
This will create a split screen with a single line top and bottom
bar. The left bar has a width of 0 while the right bar will be of
variable width. If for example the screen is 100 columns wide, 80
columns will be used for the scrolling region, leaving a right bar
with a width of 20 columns.
To avoid displaying problems it's suggesed to use #prompt to capture
the prompt sent by the MUD.
Comment: You can display text on the split line(s) with the #prompt and
#show {line} {row} commands.
Comment: You can remove split mode with the #unsplit command.
Related: echo, prompt and showme.