TinTin++ Mud Client Scripts
This script creates a list of mobs you've killed, as well as how many times you've killed them, average experience received, and total experience received.

This script is written for v2.01.97 and higher

    #list gains clear

#ACTION {%1 is DEAD!!$}
    #variable mob %1

#ACTION {You are awarded %d experience points for the battle.}
    #math {gains[$mob][exp]} {$gains[$mob][exp] + %1};
    #math {gains[$mob][cnt]} {$gains[$mob][cnt] + 1}

#ALIAS {rip}
    #showme {      Average Xp       Total Xp     #   Death List, R.I.P.};
    #showme {----------------------------------------------------------};
    #unvariable {gains[final]};
    #foreach {*gains[]} {mob}
        #echo {  %+14g %+14g %+5g   %s}{$gains[$mob][exp] / $gains[$mob][cnt]}{$gains[$mob][exp]}{$gains[$mob][cnt]}{$mob};
        #math gains[final][exp] $gains[final][exp] + $gains[$mob][exp];
        #math gains[final][cnt] $gains[final][cnt] + $gains[$mob][cnt]
    #showme {----------------------------------------------------------};
    #math tmp {$gains[final][exp] / $gains[final][cnt]};
    #echo {  %+14g %+14g %+5g}{$tmp}{$gains[final][exp]}{$gains[final][cnt]}

#ALIAS {test}
    #local random_name {{Bubba};{Pamela};{Snowy};{Ran};{Stimpy}};
    #local random_number {};
    #loop {1} {40} {tmp}
        #variable mob *random_name[+1d5];
        #math random_number 1d10000;
        #line quiet #showme You are awarded $random_number experience points for the battle.