TinTin++ Mud Client Scripts
This self loading script helps beta testers with updating source code and keeping track of versioning. Create a file named 'update' and copy the script into it. Next use 'chmod 700 update'. To run the file use ./update or sudo ./update with or without an optional argument.

This script is written for v2.01.97 and higher


     #info system save;
     #script {dir} {ls -d archive};
     #if {&dir[] == 0}
          #system mkdir archive;
          #showme {<ffa>Created the <afa>archive<ffa> folder.}
     #script {dir} {ls -d archive/bin};
     #if {&dir[] == 0}
          #system mkdir archive/bin;
          #showme {<ffa>Created the <afa>archive/bin<ffa> folder.}
     #draw {light orange} box 0 1 3 50 {<afa>TinTin++ $info[SYSTEM][CLIENT_VERSION] beta updater.};
     #switch {{%3}}
          #case {{adi}}
          #case {{archive}}
          #case {{download}}
          #case {{install}}
          #case {{history}}
          #case {{revert}}
               #draw {light orange} box 0 1 8 50 {<ffa><afa>     adi<ffa>: archive + download + install}{<ffa><afa> archive<ffa>: archive current source and binary}{<ffa><afa>download<ffa>: download the beta
source code}{<ffa><afa> install<ffa>: install downloaded source code}{<ffa><afa> history<ffa>: history of compiled binaries}{<afa><afa>  revert<ffa>: revert to an archived binary}

#ALIAS {adi}

#ALIAS {archive}
     #script {file} {ls -l --time-style=full-iso tintin-beta.tar.gz};
     #script {exec} {ls -l --time-style=full-iso tt/src/tt++};
     #showme {};
     #if {&file[]}
          #regexp {$file[1]} {%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d}
               #var date {&1-&2-&3_&4:&5:&6};#system mv tintin-beta.tar.gz archive/${date}_tintin-beta.tar.gz;#showme {};#showme {<ffa>Archiving <afa>tintin-beta.tar.gz<ffa> dated <afa>$date}
          #showme {<ffa>No archivable sourcecode found.}
     #if {&exec[]}
          #regexp {$exec[1]} {%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d}
               #var date {&1-&2-&3_&4:&5:&6};#system mv tt/src/tt++ archive/bin/${date}_tt++;#showme {<ffa>Archiving <afa>tt++ executable   <ffa> dated <afa>$date};
          #showme {<ffa>No archivable binaries found.}

#ALIAS {download}
     #showme {};
     #showme {<ffa>Retrieving <afa>tintin-beta.tar.gz<ffa> from <afa>https://mudhalla.net};
     #system {wget https://mudhalla.net/tintin-beta.tar.gz};
     #script {file} {ls -l --time-style=full-iso tintin-beta.tar.gz};
     #if {&file[]}
          #regexp {$file[1]} {%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d}
               #var date {&1-&2-&3_&4:&5:&6};#system cp tintin-beta.tar.gz archive/${date}_tintin-beta.tar.gz;#showme {};#showme {<ffa>Retrieved <afa>tintin-beta.tar.gz<ffa> dated <afa>$date}
               #showme {<ffa>Retrieved <afa>tintin-beta.tar.gz<ffa> dated <faa>unknown date}
          #showme {<ffa>Failed to retrieve <afa>tintin-beta.tar.gz<ffa> <faa>file not found};

#ALIAS {install}
     #showme {<ffa>Building <afa>TinTin++<ffa>, please remain seated.};
     #script {file} {ls tt/src/Makefile.in};
     #if {&file[]}
          #system {cp tt/src/Makefile.in tt/src/Makefile.bak}
     #system {tar -zxf tintin-beta.tar.gz};
     #script {diff} {diff tt/src/Makefile.in tt/src/Makefile.bak};
     #script {file} {ls tt/src/Makefile};
     #if {&diff[] == 0 && &file[]}
          #showme {<ffa>Reconfiguration unnecessary.};
          #system {cd tt/src/;touch Makefile;make install}
          #showme {<ffa>Reconfiguration necessary.};
          #system {cd tt/src/;./configure;make install}
     #showme {<ffa>Installation process finished.}

#ALIAS {history}
     #script {exec} {ls -l archive/bin};
     #if {&exec[] == 0}
          #showme <ffa>No archived binaries found.;
     #math count 0;
     #variable history {};
     #foreach {$exec[-20..-1]} {binary}
          #regexp {$binary} {%d-%d-%d_%d:%d:%d_tt++}
               #var date {&1-&2-&3 &4:&5:&6};#math count $count + 1;#list history insert 1 {&0};#echo {<afa>%+3s<ffa> - <afa>tt++<ffa> - <afa>%s} {$count} {$date}
     #if {$count == 0}
          #showme <ffa>No archived binaries found.

#ALIAS {revert}
     #if {{%0} == {}}
          #script {exec} {ls -l archive/bin};
          #if {&exec[] == 0}
               #showme <ffa>No archived binaries found.;
          #showme {<ffa>You can revert to one of the following binaries:};
          #math count 0;
          #foreach {$exec[-20..-1]} {binary}
               #regexp {$binary} {%d-%d-%d_%d:%d:%d_tt++}
                    #var date {&1-&2-&3 &4:&5:&6};#math count $count + 1;#list history insert 1 {&0};#echo {<afa>%+3s<ffa> - <afa>tt++<ffa> - <afa>%s} {$count} {$date}
          #showme {};
          #showme {<ffa>Currently installed binary:};
          #script {exec} {ls -l --time-style=full-iso /usr/local/bin/tt++};
          #if {&exec[] == 0}
               #showme <ffa>No current binary found.
               #regexp {$exec[1]} {%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d}
                    #var date {&1-&2-&3 &4:&5:&6};#echo {<afa>%+3s<ffa> - <afa>tt++<ffa> - <afa>%s} {} {$date}
          #showme <ffa>Use: revert <number> to revert.
          #if {%0 >= 1 && %0 <= 20}
               #script {exec} {ls -l archive/bin};
               #if {&exec[] == 0}
                    #showme <ffa>No archived binaries found.;
               #foreach {$exec[-1..-20]} {binary}
                    #regexp {$binary} {%d-%d-%d_%d:%d:%d_tt++}
                         #var date {&1-&2-&3 &4:&5:&6};#math count $count - 1;#list history insert 1 {&0};
               #if {&history[%0]}
                    #system {cp -f archive/bin/$history[%0] /usr/local/tt++};
                    #showme {<afa>archive/bin/$history[%0]<ffa> copied to <afa>/usr/local/tt++}
               #showme <ffa>Use: revert <number> to revert.