WinTin++ on Windows

Installing the WinTin++ Mud client on Windows

While you can install TinTin++ on Cygwin and WSL, the easiest route is to use the wintin client installer from the download page.
Check the install section for installation instructions for specific Windows platforms.
WinTin++ is not to be confused with Wintin.Net and Wintin 95, which are different mud clients that are no longer maintained. WinTin++ has more features, like an auto mapper, better scripting, and perl compatibility regular expression support. There's also an active Discord community for support.

Creating a start up script for WinTin++

When starting up wintin it tries to read the file 'main.tin' by default, this feature will be used in the following walkthrough example:
  • After starting wintin you should check out the #config command. For example, if you want speedwalk disabled per default you would want to type: #config speedwalk off, if you type #config without an argument you will get a list of things you can configure. Set the configurations to your liking and type: #write main.tin, this will save your changes.

  • If you want to edit main.tin directly you can do so by opening the file with wordpad (don't use notepad) in the WinTin++ directory. You can configure Windows to automatically open .tin files with Wordpad.

  • If you want wintin to automatically connect and login to your favorite mud upon startup create a PROGRAM START event, for example:
    #event {PROGRAM START} {#ses bla 1234;MyName;MyPassword}
    This will make wintin connect to that address (which is a made up address). It sets the session name to 'bla' and also passses along the name and password of your character, assuming that's what your mud asks for first.

  • To save the event once again enter: #write main.tin, if you later change your mind and don't want to auto-connect to your mud type: #unevent PROGRAM START, and #write main.tin to save the changes.

Input bar

A useful thing to have is an input bar. You can create one in wintin by using: #split. See #help split for more information. This will prevent the prompt from overwriting what you are typing.
If you are using the Windows Console (for example because you use a screen reader) keep in mind you need to use #split 1 1 because of a bug in the Windows console.