You may use the escape character \ for various special characters.
\a beep the terminal.
\c send a control character, \ca for ctrl-a.
\e start an escape sequence.
\f send a form feed.
\n send a line feed.
\r send a carriage return.
\t send a horizontal tab.
\x print an 8 bit character using hexadecimal, \xFF for example.
\x7B send the '{' character.
\x7D send the '}' character.
\u print a 16 bit unicode character, \uFFFD for example.
\u{} print a 8-21 bit unicode character, \u{2AF21} for example.
\U print a 21 bit unicode character, \U02AF21 for example.
\v send a vertical tab
Ending a line with \ will stop tintin from appending a line feed.
To escape arguments in an alias or action use %%0 %%1 %%2 etc.
Related: characters, colors, coordinates, mathematics and pcre.