TinTin++ Mud Client Scripts
For this script to work the MUD needs to support MSP (Mud Sound Protocol), you must have the right audio files in the /~sounds directory (directory can be changed in the script), and you must have the right packages installed to play sound files. For WSL the sound directory is set to C:\sounds by default.

This script is written for v2.02.10 and higher

    #nop Find out what OS you are running.;
    #script {SYSTEM[OS]} {uname -o};
    #script {SYSTEM[KERNEL]} {uname -s};
    #script {SYSTEM[VERSION]} {tail /proc/version};
    #switch {"$SYSTEM[VERSION][1]"}
        #case {"%*Microsoft@Microsoft.com%*"}
            #variable OS WSL
        #case {"CYGWIN%*"}
            #variable OS Cygwin
            #switch {"$SYSTEM[OS][1]"}
                #case {"Android"}
                    #variable OS Android
                #case {"Cygwin"}
                    #variable OS Cygwin
                #case {"WSL"}
                    #variable OS WSL
                #case {"GNU/Linux"}
                    #variable OS Linux
                    #switch {"$SYSTEM[KERNEL][1]"}
                        #case {"Linux"}
                            #variable OS Linux
                        #case {"CYGWIN%*"}
                            #variable OS Cygwin
                        #case {"Darwin"}
                            #variable OS Darwin
                            #variable OS Unknown
    #if {"$OS" == "WSL"}
        #variable {sound_dir} {C:\sounds\}
        #variable {sound_dir} {~/sounds}

    #send {\xFF\xFD\x5A\}

#ACTION {^!!SOUND({\S*}{.*})$}
    playsound %1;
    #line gag

#ACTION {^!!MUSIC({\S*}{.*})$}
    #nop I cannot be bothered adding support for background music.;
    #line gag

#ALIAS {playsound %1}
    #if {"%1" == "Off"}
    #switch {"$OS"}
        #case {"{Android|Linux}"}
            #if {"%1" == "%i%*.mp3"}
                #system mpg123 $sound_dir/%1 &>/dev/null &
            #elseif {"%1" == "%i%*.ogg"}
                #system ogg123 $sound_dir/%1 &>/dev/null &
            #elseif {"%1" == "%i%*.wav"}
                #system play $sound_dir/%1 &>/dev/null &
                #showme PLAYSOUND: Unknown sound file: %1
        #case {"Cygwin"}
            #if {"%1" == "%i%*.wav"}
                #system cat $sound_dir/%1 > /dev/dsp &
                #system cygstart $sound_dir/%1 &
        #case {"Darwin"}
            #system afplay $sound_dir/%1 &
        #case {"WSL"}
            #system {powershell.exe -c '(New-Object Media.SoundPlayer "${sound_dir}%1").PlaySync()' &}

#ALIAS {tts}
    #switch {"$OS"}
        #case {"Android"}
            #system {termux-tts-speak %0 &}
        #case {"{Cygwin|Linux}"}
            #system {espeak "%0" &}
        #case {"Darwin"}
            #system {say %0 &}
        #case {"WSL"}
            #nop $SpeechSynthesizer.SelectVoice("Microsoft Zira Desktop");
            #nop $SpeechSynthesizer.rate=6;
            #system {powershell.exe -c 'Add-Type –AssemblyName System.Speech;$SpeechSynthesizer = New-Object –TypeName System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer;$SpeechSynthesizer.Speak("%0")' &}