TinTin++ Mud Client Scripts
This script will log your commands and a time stamp to a variable with 'record . Using the playback command the commands are played back in the same order and with the same time intervals as the original recording. You can abort a playback with playstop.

This script is written for v2.01.97 and higher

#VARIABLE {record_time} {0}

#ALIAS {record}
     #if {$record_time == 0}
          #if {"%0" == ""}
               #showme <118>Please provide a variable name to store the record.
               #format record_name %0
          #format record_time %U;
          #format $record_name %s;
          #format record_cnt 0;
          #alias {%%0}{#send %%0;#format record_curr %U;#math record_diff ($record_curr - $record_time) / 1000000.00;#list $record_name ins -1 #delay $record_diff %%0;#math record_cnt $record_cnt + 1;}{9};
          #showme <118>You are now recording your MUD commands.
          #format record_curr %U;
          #math record_diff ($record_curr - $record_time) / 1000000.00;
          #list {$record_name} {ins} {1}{#showme <118>Playing back '$record_name' having $record_cnt commands and a duration of $record_diff seconds.};
          #showme <118>You have recorded $record_cnt commands during $record_diff seconds to $record_name.;
          #format record_time 0;
          #unalias %%0

#ALIAS {playback}
     #if {"%0" == ""}
          #showme <118>Please provide a record variable to play back.
     #elseif {&{%0} == 0}
          #showme <118>There is no record for $%0.
          #foreach {$%0} {temp}

#ALIAS {playstop}
     #showme <118>Stopping playback. #kill delays