The following script allows you to scout an area, visiting every room in the area at least once. This is useful for quests that want you to find a mob or item in a random location in an area.
If you want to start out searching within a radius of 5 rooms first, set the scout[quick] variable from 0 to 5.
You need to have the area mapped using #map and the AREA field set for all rooms in the area using #map set roomarea , and to begin scouting you would type: scout
This script is written for v2.01.97 and higher
#VARIABLE {room_list} {}
#VARIABLE {scout}
{quick} {0}
#VARIABLE {quick} {0}
#ALIAS {scout}
#if {"%0" == ""}
#showme <118>Syntax: scout <area name>;
#if {"%1" == "pause"}
#variable scout[mode] paused;
#if {"%1" == "continue"}
#variable scout[mode] scout;
#if {"%1" == "reset"}
reset_area $scout[area];
#variable scout[area] {%0};
#map list {} {} {} {$scout[area]} {variable} {room_list};
#if {&room_list[] == 0}
#showme <118>scout {%1}: No rooms found belonging to %1.;
#loop {1} {&room_list[]} {cnt}
set_room_color *room_list[+$cnt] <128>;
set_room_note *room_list[+$cnt] {unchecked};
set_room_weight *room_list[+$cnt] {1000}
#map get roomvnum scout[inroom];
#map get roomvnum scout[startroom];
#variable scout[mode] prune;
#loop {1} {&room_list[]} {cnt}
#map at *room_list[+$cnt] #map get roomexits scout[exit];
#if {&scout[exit][] == 1}
#map goto *room_list[+$cnt];
#map explore *scout[exit][+1];
#path save forward scout[path];
#foreach {$scout[path]} {scout[walk]}
#map move $scout[walk]
#path destroy;
#variable scout[mode] scout;
#map goto $scout[inroom];
#ticker {scout}{#if {&scout[] && &room_list[]}{#if {"$scout[mode]" != "scout"}{#return};#line quiet {#path save length scout[len];#path save position scout[pos]};#if {$scout[pos] <= $scout[len]}{#path
#ALIAS {scout_nearest_room}
#variable scout[weight] {1000000};
#line quiet {#map find $scout[startroom];#path save length scout[len];#path destroy};
#if {$scout[len] == $scout[quick]}
#map at $scout[startroom] #map list {} {} {} {$scout[area]} {unchecked} {variable} {room_list}
#map list {} {} {} {$scout[area]} {unchecked} {variable} {room_list}
#loop {1} {&room_list[]} {cnt}
#if {$room_list[+$cnt][distance] != -1 && $room_list[+$cnt][distance] < $scout[weight]}
#variable scout[weight] $room_list[+$cnt][distance];
#variable scout[vnum] *room_list[+$cnt]
#if {$scout[weight] == 1000000}
#line ignore #showme <118>scout: Found &{room_list[]} rooms belonging to area '$scout[area]';
#line ignore #showme <118>scout: Could not find a path leading to this area, aborting.;
reset_area $scout[area]
#map get roomvnum scout[inroom];
#if {$scout[vnum] == $scout[inroom]}
#delay {scout} {scout_nearest_room} {0.25}
#map find $scout[vnum]
#ALIAS {scout_mark_room}
#if {&scout[] && &room_list[]}
#map get roomarea scout[inarea];
#map get roomvnum scout[inroom];
#if {"$scout[inarea]" == "$scout[area]"}
set_room_color {$scout[inroom]} {<118>};
set_room_weight {$scout[inroom]} {10000};
set_room_note {$scout[inroom]} {checked};
#unvariable room_list[$scout[inroom]];
#if {&room_list[] == 0}
#delay {0.5}{#showme <118>scout: finished;reset_area $scout[area]};
#undelay {scout};
#unticker {scout}
#if {&scout[] && &room_list[]}
#if {&scout[]}
#switch {"$scout[mode]"}
#case {"prune"}
reset_room_weight {}
#case {"scout"}
#ALIAS {set_room_note}
#map at {%1} #map set roomnote %2
#ALIAS {set_room_color}
#map at {%1} #map set roomcolor %2
#ALIAS {set_room_weight}
#map at {%1} #map get roomweight scout[weight];
#if {$scout[weight] < %2}
#map at {%1} #map set roomweight $scout[weight] + %2
#ALIAS {reset_room_weight}
#map at {%1} #map get roomweight scout[weight];
#map at {%1} #map set roomweight $scout[weight] % 1000
#ALIAS {reset_area}
#map list {} {} {} {%0} {variable} {room_list};
#loop {1} {&room_list[]} {cnt}
set_room_color *room_list[+$cnt] <178>;
reset_room_weight {*room_list[+$cnt]};
set_room_note *room_list[+$cnt] {}
#variable room_list {};
#variable scout {}