Syntax: <xyz> with x, y, z being parameters
Parameter 'x': VT100 code
0 - Reset all colors and codes to default
1 - Bold
2 - Dim
3 - Italic
4 - Underscore
5 - Blink
7 - Reverse
8 - Skip (use previous code)
Parameter 'y': Foreground color
Parameter 'z': Background color
0 - Black 5 - Magenta
1 - Red 6 - Cyan
2 - Green 7 - White
3 - Yellow 8 - Skip
4 - Blue 9 - Default
For xterm 256 colors support use <aaa> to <fff> for RGB foreground
colors and <AAA> to <FFF> for RGB background colors. For the grayscale
foreground colors use <g00> to <g23>, for grayscale background colors
use <G00> to <G23>.
The tertiary colors are as follows:
<acf> - Azure <afc> - Jade
<caf> - Violet <cfa> - Lime
<fac> - Pink <fca> - Orange
Example: #show <acf>Azure <afc>Jade <caf>Violet
Example: #show <cfa>Lime <fac>Pink <fca>Orange
For 12 bit truecolor use <F000> to <FFFF> for foreground colors and
<B000> to <BFFF> for background colors.
For 24 bit truecolor use <F000000> to <FFFFFFF> for foreground
colors and <B000000> to <BFFFFFF> for background colors.
If the color code exceeds your configured color mode it will be
downgraded to the closest match.
Related: characters, coordinates, escape_codes, mathematics and pcre.