Command: #draw [line color] [options] <type> <square> {text}
The draw commands allows you to draw various types of lines and shapes
on the screen. The types with a brief description are provided when you
type #draw without an argument.
The <square> arguments should exists of two coordinates defining the
upper left and bottom right corner using row, col, row, col syntax.
The square arguments can be negative, in which case the coordinates
are calculated from the opposite side of the screen. In the case the
screen is 80 columns wide using #draw box 1 60 10 70 will be the
equivalent of #draw box 1 -21 10 -11, but with different screen
widths the boxes would be drawn in different places.
You can prefix the option with a color code or color name to color the
lines and shapes.
You can further prefix the option as following:
ASCII draw in ASCII mode.
BALIGN bottom align text.
BLANKED blank the lines and corners.
BOTTOM draw on the bottom side if possible.
BOXED draw a box along the square.
BUMPED precede the draw with an enter.
CALIGN both LALIGN and RALIGN to center text.
CIRCLED circle the corners.
CONVERT draw text with meta conversion.
CROSSED cross the corners.
CURSIVE draw text with cursive letters.
FAT draw text with fat letters.
FILLED fill circles and jewels.
FOREGROUND draw even if session is not active.
GRID draw TABLE as a grid.
HORIZONTAL draw horizontal if possible.
HUGE draw text in huge letters.
JEWELED diamond the corners.
JOINTED draw corners.
LALIGN left align text.
LEFT draw on the left side if possible.
NUMBERED draw numbers instead of lines.
PRUNED prune the corners.
RALIGN right align text.
RIGHT draw on the right side if possible.
ROUNDED round the corners.
SANSSERIF draw text with sansserif letters.
SCALED fit the square to the text size.
SCROLL draw in the scrolling region.
SHADOWED shadow HUGE text.
TALIGN top align text too large to fit.
TEED tee the corners.
TOP draw on the top side if possible.
TRACED trace HUGE text.
TUBED draw tubes instead of lines.
UALIGN unwrap and rewrap text.
UNICODE draw in unicode mode.
VERTICAL draw vertical if possible.
The following types are available.
will draw a bar, use two 256 color codes for a color gradient.
will draw a box.
will draw the scrollback buffer.
will draw a corner.
will draw a line.
will draw the map
will draw digital rain.
will draw one or more sides of a box.
will draw a table.
will draw a tile
All draw types take an optional text argument as long as a valid
square with enough space has been defined. Text is automatically
word wrapped and text formatting can be customized with the
Example: #draw Blue box 1 1 3 20 {Hello world!}
Related: buffer, echo, grep and showme.