Syntax: #[sessionname] {commands}
You can create multiple sessions with the #session command. By default
only one session is active, meaning commands you input are executed in
the active session. While all sessions receive output, only output sent
to the active session is displayed.
When you create a session with the #session command you must specify a
session name, the session name, prepended with a hashtag, can be used
to activate the session when used without an argument. If an argument
is given it will be executed by that session as a command, the session
will not be activated.
Example: #ses one 23;#ses two 23;#one;#two grin
This will create two sessions, the session that was created last (two
in this case) will be automatically activated upon creation. Using
#one, session one is activated. Using #two grin, the grin social will
be executed by session two, session one will remain the active session.
If you send a variable to another session it will be substituted before
being passed. If you want the variable value of the receiving session
to be used you need to use '$${variable}' to properly escape it.
Syntax: @[sessionname]{substitution}
If you want to pull the value of a variable from another session you
can do so in a similar way as you would use a #function call. Using
#showme {@two{$test}} in session one would print the value of $test,
as defined by session two.
Related: suspend