TinTin++ Mud Client Manual

         Number operations

         Operators       Priority     Function
         !               0            logical not
         ~               0            bitwise not
         *               1            integer multiply
         **              1            integer power
         /               1            integer divide
         //              1            integer sqrt // 2 or cbrt // 3
         %               1            integer modulo
         d               1            integer random dice roll
         +               2            integer addition
         -               2            integer subtraction
         <<              3            bitwise shift
         >>              3            bitwise shift
         >               4            logical greater than
         >=              4            logical greater than or equal
         <               4            logical less than
         <=              4            logical less than or equal
         ==              5            logical equal
         !=              5            logical not equal
          &              6            bitwise and
          ^              7            bitwise xor
          |              8            bitwise or
         &&              9            logical and
         ^^             10            logical xor
         ||             11            logical or

         Operator priority can be ignored by using parentheses, for example
         (1 + 1) * 2 equals 4, while 1 + 1 * 2 equals 3.

         String operations

         Operators       Priority     Function
         >               4            alphabetical greater than
         >=              4            alphabetical greater than or equal
         <               4            alphabetical less than
         <=              4            alphabetical less than or equal
         ==              5            alphabetical equal using regex
         !=              5            alphabetical not equal using regex
         ===             5            alphabetical equal
         !==             5            alphabetical not equal

         Strings must be encased in double quotes or braces. The > >= < <=
         operators perform basic string comparisons. The == != operators perform
         regular expressions, with the argument on the left being the string,
         and the argument on the right being the regex. For example
         {bla} == {%*a} would evaluate as 1.

Related: math and regexp.